Thursday Night Linkorama

  • You’re kidding me.

    Programs that focus exclusively on abstinence have not been shown to affect teenager sexual behavior, although they are eligible for tens of mil lions of dollars in federal grants, according to a study released by a nonpartisan group that seeks to reduce teen pregnancies.

    The study found that while abstinence-only efforts appear to have little positive impact, more comprehensive sex education programs were having “positive outcomes” including teenagers “delaying the initiation of sex, reducing the frequency of sex, reducing the number of sexual partners and increasing condom or contraceptive use.”

    “Two-thirds of the 48 comprehensive programs that supported both abstinence and the use of condoms and contraceptives for sexually active teens had positive behavior effect,” said the report.

    Abstinence and condoms. Abstinence and condoms! Abstinence AND condoms, you microcephalic Religious Right twerps!

  • Reports are coming in that kids are taking a lot more diabets medication. I have to wonder, however, if this actually means there has been an increase in diabetes or an increase in medication. Kids are taking more of every drug these days, despite being healthier than ever.
  • On that note, the ideal weight? Slightly over. Let’s see the Health Nazi wriggle out of this one. They do note that despite the better outcomes, there are some health disadvantages to being overweight. I’m inclined to agree. The whole point of the debate is that an enjoyable life is better than a miserable on that last a year or two longer. And as an overweight person, I find I have less energy and verve. But, of course the biggest problem with being overweight is that it cuts into your chances of getting laid. Now let’s try and see the Health Nazis sell that.