The CBO — a relentlessly non-partisan group — estimates Obamacare will cost $1 trillion. The solution? Silence the CBO. But remember, it’s only conservative who ignore hard facts and data.
Here’s the way you know who to favor in the Cheerios debate. CSPI is in favor of the government; therefore that position is the wrong one.
Watchdogs are off again on a condom study costing 400 grand. And suppose this study leads to some change that results in preventing a handful of AIDS cases? My read is that this study was peer-reviewed. We need lawyers to stop grand-standing about it.
Mexico is liberalizing their drug laws. A blood all-out war will do that.
Time Magazine continues to prove what a worthless rag it is — running a story about bullet trains that parrots the party line completely.
Radley Balko points out that the only promises Obama is breaking are those that would limit his own power. He has yet to break a campaign promise that would expand it. And so it goes.
Fat people live longer. Now I get to bash the CSPI twice in one linkorama.