Midweek Linkorama

  • I just ran across this quote from OSU president Gordon Gee who earlier this year derided TCU and Boise State’s chances at a title by talking about how great his team’s schedule was. This year, Ohio State played eight games at home, four on the road. They paid three teams — Eastern Michigan, Ohio and Marshall — to come to Columbus and get pounded. Say what you want about mid-major schools; they work hard to make their schedule stronger, not weaker.
  • Political Links:

  • I wonder if the people who talked about the badly flawed Scottish study which claimed massive drops in heart attacks due to smoking bans will talk about the first comprehensive study, which shows no improvement. Naaah.
  • I am not surprised that TSA is trolling blogs. They’re certainly not making the country more secure.
  • How much do bad teachers cost us? Try $100 trillion.
  • How To Get Behind In Business Without Really Trying

    Cato has a perfect illustration of the difference between being pro-business and being pro-big-business. And it’s an excellent primer on one of the many many anchors on our economy.

    The link describes Governor Granholm’s failure to get the Michigan economy moving, Her plan, such as it was, was the plan that all politicos embrace when it comes to stimulating the economy. She created a river of sweetheart deals for politically powerful businesses — tax breaks, subsidies, regulatory breaks. And it has failed completely.

    This is not unusual, it’s normal. The approach of bribing big businesses has met with failure after failure. These efforts create short-term jobs, but long-term catastrophe. Once the incentives dry up, the businesses disappear. Even worse, by giving certain businesses an unfair market advantage, other businesses — the unexpected businesses whose creation the economy depends on — are discouraged from ever appearing. The have to compete on an unlevel playing field.

    This never deters politicians from taking the bribery approach, of course. On the contrary, they love this way of “stimulating the economy”. They get to hob-nob and take political contributions from powerful industries. They get to claim credit for anything good that happens and cut ribbons on things. And they get the rush of power that comes with every business decision having to go through their office.

    It is, in the end, a perfect illustration of Bastiat’s “what is seen and what is unseen”. Politicians love what is seen — some heavily-subsidized industry opening a factory they can claim credit for. Most of them could give a rat’s backside about what is unseen — the businesses the might have been creating disappearing.

    Reason did an amazing series earlier this year on how to save Cleveland that perfectly illustrated how economies should be built. Instead of sweetheart deals, you create an environment with reasonable taxes and simple regulations that encourages all business to succeed. Hong Kong rode this model to be an economic powerhouse with no natural resources. But it seems beyond the ken of our political class.

    Long Form Linkorama

  • I’m a second amendment supporter. I like guns. I’ve never hunted but have enthusiasm for it. Still, the practice of canned hunts, in which “hunters” go after game that is tamed, drugged or confined, make me sick. I don’t think it should be banned — it’s a free country. But it ain’t hunting. At best, it’s outdoor butchery.
  • Lenore Skenazy wraps up the year. I can’t tell you how much I love her blog. As a parent, I’m beset with people trying to frighten me.
  • Political links:

  • A lot of conservative blogs have been posting pictures of Bush with the caption, “Miss me yet?” My answer: No fucking way.
  • I do hate being right all the time. As I said during the healthcare debate, preventative medicine save lives, not money. It costs more in the long run. Dying is cheap; living is expensive.
  • This is disgusting. An Ivy League school uses its wealth and influence to force people to sell their land to it.
  • I love this. One of the more responsible stores in terms of factory conditions is … Walmart.
  • Cracked debunks myths about Islam. The veil thing was something I didn’t know.
  • A Keynesian Precursor

    I’ve been mulling a long post on why I think Keynesianism — which is what both Republicans and Democrats are pushing these days — is garbage. But there’s one aspect of it that’s reared its ugly head lately that needs to be stomped on ASAP.

    One of the things the Keynesians used to think was that it was impossible to have both high inflation and high unemployment. In fact, they claimed there was a mathematical relationship between the two. From the 1960’s through then 1970’s, our government deliberately inflated its currency because this supposedly stimulated economic growth. The theory was that by destroying people’s savings and investments, you forced them to spend money (I’m explaining in much more invective terms than they would).

    It turned out that they had things backward — again, social scientists unable to distinguish correlation from causation. High economic growth can cause inflation, which is why the fed tightens the money supply when things are going well. And deflating the currency can make an economic crisis worse — as it did during the Great Depression. But inflating the currency has, at best, a minor effect on the economy.

    The thing is, this is not empty-headed theory I’m talking about there. The supposed inflation-employment informed our inflationary policies for decades before crashing into reality in the late 1970’s, when he both high inflation and high unemployment. The inflation enthusiasts still have not explained that; they prefer to ignore it.

    Cato has, the last week, destroyed this theory in two posts that clearly show the inflation-unemployment relation does not exist. But Keynsianism — or consumerism — is increasingly becoming a religion. So expect this hard data to be ignored.

    Monday All Politics Linkorama

    It’s not that there’s no non-political stuff to talk about; it’s that I get so back-logged with the political side.

  • The Nanny State strikes again.
  • Ah, Global Warming bad skepticism. Repeating elided quotes from Phil Jones shown long ago to be incorrect? Check. Quoting temperature records incorrectly? Check. Repeating long-debunked claims about recent cooling? Check. It’s like a broken record with these guys. No matter how often their talking points are debunked, they keep repeating them. Meanwhile, the Earth keeps warming.
  • The best weapon against radicalism? American TV. Neal Stephenson called this one.
  • Shit like this is why I sometimes want to throw up my hands and get my own survival bunker. Democrats have been bashing Republicans for not responding to a 9/11 First Responders bill. Turn out, it’s a dreadfully written bill. But we must do something!
  • Neal Boortz is really hopelessly insane these days. Now he’s going through the NSF budget, identifying grants that sounds ridiculous to him and slagging them. Never mind if it’s viable peer-reviewed research that has to perform to sustain funding. Dinosaur fossils! Apparently, scientists are now part of the “looter class”.
  • This is what I fear Tea Party candidates will do to the nation. With Michelle Bachmann Overdrive already backing down on the earmarks pledge and a budget-busting $900 billion Stimulus IV going into place, it’s already happening at the national level.
  • I’m with TNC. How can you not be cynical about politics when Peter Orzag leaves the White House and goes straight into an eight figure job with one of the companies he was regulating?
  • Stephen Breyer reminds me of Noam Chomsky. He sounds brilliant when you listen to him, but what he says is so totally wrong it beggars belief.
  • The TV Trope

    Cracked has an article today on how TV affects people’s minds. It is a perfect illustration of the the problems I have with much of the social “sciences”.

    To be brief: they look at six effects that TV supposedly has on our brains. Some of them seems reasonable — such as people forming emotional connections to TV characters or dreaming in black and white. But several are, at best, problematic and, at worst, bullshit.

    For example, they claim that watching TV at an early age (2-5 years) makes kids more likely to be obese, have social problems and fall behind at school. France has used this kind of research to ban shows targeted at children under three, since the Europeans are eager to embrace every piece of panicky social science bullshit (see bans on spanking).

    But at no point do they demonstrate anything beyond a correlation. Do children struggle in school or have weight problems because they watch TV? Or do the factors that cause the former also cause the latter? You can’t just show a link and then claim a causative link. That’s not how science works.

    I also doubt the statistics behind this. The big longitudinal study looked at 1300 canadian children. It claims to be able to correct for all manner of social factors, such as wealth and education and then be able to measure these effects to a precision of better than 6%. Think about that. They’re claiming they can measure the effect of TV on math scores, correcting for social factors, to a precision about 25 kids, if we assume a three sigma level of significance. Really?

    Similar things could be said about the claim that television lowers our attention span or makes you violent. The latter, which I’ve blogged on before, is the source of much public policy. But I have yet to see anyone really conclusively demonstrate a causative link. Do children engage in violence because they watch violent TV? Or do the thing that make children violent also make them enjoy pretend entertainment violence? Considering that violent entertainment has gone up even as real-life violence in our society has plunged, I’m inclined to believe the latter. A century ago, we didn’t have nearly as much violent entertainment, but it was not unusual for men my age to be in frequent fist fights. Now, my DVD collection has more violence than World War II but I haven’t thrown a fist in anger since elementary school.

    These TV studies illustrate the general problem I have with the social sciences. They assume that human beings are empty vessels waiting to be filled by things that “society” imposes upon us. We have no intrinsic traits, no vices or virtues of our own. We are simply the result of all the societal programming we have endured. We engage in violence not because of our genes or our character or our upbringing but because of television. We have a short attention spa not because humans, in general, have short attention spans, but because of TV.

    OK, I’m exaggerating. Most social scientists would say these things are not deterministic but do have an effect on us, changing the shape of our mental wave function. (Actually they wouldn’t say it like that since they flunked out of Physics 101; but I would). But the fact remains that there is an intrinsic assumption underlying their claims — that we are made violent or stupid or lazy by certain social stimuli, not that we seek out certain social stimuli because we are violent or stupid or lazy.

    And that just ain’t science. You have to prove things, not assume then.

    (I’m also ignoring the media’s role in this. Scientists who are more cautious in their claims tend not to get hysterical media coverage. And the media often exaggerate or misrepresent the claims a scientists makes — PhD comics has a wonderful strip on this.)

    Friday Linkorama

    Non-political links:

  • I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: ancient people were much more clever than they are given credit for. This is why “aliens built the pyramids” and similar conspiracy theories enrage me. It’s insulting to the clever people who lived in the past and arrogant by the people who live in the present.
  • This is a joke. Right? Right?!
  • Political Links:

  • Dissecting the lies about Wikileaks.
  • Just some facts about how effective civilian trials of terrorists are.
  • You’re Full of It Watch: Neal Boortz. In one blog post, he rants that the deficit commission does not cut spending and then blasts them for controlling Medicare spending, even claiming Palin’s “death panels” comments is now justified.
  • Yet more terrible decisions from CSPIA.
  • And again, I ask — what is the use of Democrats if they are going to be worse than Republicans on criminal justice issues.
  • Bush v. Gore Reloaded

    Hard to believe it’s been ten years since one of most contentious Supreme Court decisions in recent memory.

    There are two issues wrapped up in Bush v. Gore, of course. The first concerns the election itself. That’s not a subject I really feel like re-opening, given all the Michael Moore-esque bullshit out there. I don’t think either side covered themselves with glory but there was something particularly repellent about the Gore team’s tactics — loudly proclaiming themselves as the defenders of democracy while trying just as many sneaky tricks as the Bush team did. Say what you about Republicans, at least they don’t pretend to be noble.

    Well, at least they didn’t used to.

    The other issue is the SCOTUS decision itself, of course. It’s the ten year anniversary, so let the bullshit begin:

    Momentous Supreme Court cases tend to move quickly into the slipstream of the Court’s history. In the first ten years after Brown v. Board of Education, the 1954 decision that ended the doctrine of separate but equal in public education, the Justices cited the case more than twenty-five times. In the ten years after Roe v. Wade, the abortion-rights decision of 1973, there were more than sixty-five references to that landmark. This month marks ten years since the Court, by a vote of five-to-four, terminated the election of 2000 and delivered the Presidency to George W. Bush. Over that decade, the Justices have provided a verdict of sorts on Bush v. Gore by the number of times they have cited it: zero.

    Toobin — that’s the writer of this piece of crap — goes on to argue that this means that Bush v. Gore was bad precedent. That’s as maybe but this argument doesn’t support his conclusion. SCOTUS decision on abortion and segregation affected people’s everyday lives. There were therefore hosts of cases that needed Brown or Roe clarified and applied. The only thing that would need Bush v. Gore as a precedent would be another national election. Razor-close national elections are rare. In fact, the last one I can remember that might have gone to SCOTUS was Coleman v. Franken. Coleman abandoned that case before it got that far.

    Toobin is also full of crap because Bush vs. Gore has been cited by lower courts, including the 9th Circus.

    The appropriate way to analyze the legal impact of Bush v. Gore would be to see how many cases on federal or state election law have come before the Court and how many could have cited Bush v. Gore but didn’t? Toobin doesn’t answer that because he’s not interested in the impact of Bush v. Gore; he’s interested in slamming it.

    It gets better:

    The Supreme Court stepped into the case even though the Florida Supreme Court had been interpreting Florida law; the majority found a violation of the rights of George W. Bush, a white man, to equal protection when these same Justices were becoming ever more stingy in finding violations of the rights of African-Americans; and the Court stopped the recount even before it was completed, and before the Florida courts had a chance to iron out any problems—a classic example of judicial activism, not judicial restraint, by the majority.

    The first part of this is vile poppycock. The Supreme Court applied the equal protection clause not because George W. Bush’s rights were violated. They applied it — appropriately in my view — because Florida did not have a uniform standard for counting hanging chads and other uncounted votes (that tends to happen when you’re making up the rules as you go). This set up a situation where a vote that was not counted in one county could be counted in another. It’s as if one county closed its polling office early (or maybe an entire panhandle). Indeed, it wasn’t clear that some counties would do the recounts at all. (This being of course what the Noble and Wise Gore team wanted — so that recounts would go on only in Democrat-controlled counties).

    Moreover, that decision was 7-2, not 5-4. Frankly, I don’t know what Ginsberg and Stevens were smoking that day since it should have been 9-0.

    The controversial 5-4 decision was to stop the recount completely. Now that one was a debatable decision. I think the Florida State Supreme Court was wrong to order the recount. The best way to hold an election is to set the rules in advance, follow those rules and then end it. The Florida Court was basically making the rules up as it went and along highly partisan lines.

    However, as Toobin points out — correctly, even — this was judicial activism. The Constitution is quite clear that each state sets its own election rules — fairly or unfairly. Even if the Florida Court was screwing the law, one could argue that it was their law to screw.

    So it’s perfectly reasonable to argue that the Court should have just insisted on a uniform recount standard and let the recount proceed. I might disagree with that, but it’s a legitimate point of view. But to argue that the Court should have let the unequal standards slide is ridiculous. And to argue that the Court made the decision because Bush was white is obscene.

    Wednesday Linkorama

    Non-Political Links:

  • Awesomeness
  • McDonald’s burgers don’t rot? Well, neither do anyone else’s. I suspect the difference in rotting has to do with the cheese and the bun, both of which McDonald’s makes sure have no bacterial contamination.
  • More of this, please: scientists talk evolution. And they deconstruct intelligent design here.
  • Political Links:

  • Radley Balko shows just how shoddy the Nation’s journalism is when it comes to bashing libertarians.
  • This is heresy in some of the conservative circles I run in, but the Wikileaks appears to show an Obama Administration that is good at foreign policy. This doesn’t fit the Right Wing meme that Obama is a bumbling imbecile who hates America, so it’s being ignored. I also suspect they wouldn’t like the specifics, which involve negotiation, deal-making, listening — you know, policy — instead of high horse unqualified demands being issued to lesser nations. How far the GOP has fallen from the days of Reagan and Bush I.
  • You’re Full of It Watch: Neal Boortz, continuing his “global warming is a myth” religion, boasts that no hurricanes hit the US this year. A simple Google search would have told him that this was an above-average season and in line with predictions. It’s just that other countries got walloped. I think there is a point that hurricane season prediction is very uncertain. But his main point is just to cover his eyes. Even his readers called him out on this one.
  • Irony, thy name is healthcare reform.