Brief Thoughts on Walter Reed

I must admit, I haven’t been keeping too close track on the Walter Reed business. But what I have read leads me to a few thoughts:

  • Jon Stewart is right. Is this Administration ever responsible for anything?!. They weren’t to blame for intelligence failures, too few troops, Katrina, 9/11, North Korea, pork spending, the Abramoff scandal, the deficit, Abu Graib, any negative results of rendering and now Walter Reed. When Clinton did this, Rush Limbaugh joked that he should adapt the motto: “The Buck Never Got Here!”. Where is he on this Administration? “What buck? There’s no buck. This is just a political ploy by liberals/Democrats/drive-by media/Andrew Sullivan to wound this Administration and encourage the terrorists. Besides, someone else was responsible for that buck.”
  • The good news about Walter Reed is that soon, we will be able to achieve this level of care once socialized medicine is here.
  • Oh, Mike, you say. Oh, no. Check this out.

    To see this we need only look at the Department of Veterans Affairs. I happened to have lunch with Sen. Hillary Clinton recently. When I went into one of my usual libertarian rants about free markets, Ms. Clinton cited the VA as an example of government success. Indeed, under her husband’s administration, the Veterans Health Administration came to provide the “best care anywhere,” according to The Washington Monthly. Great.

    Maybe Hillary will shut her yap about the VA being such a wonderful model for the rest of the nation.

  • So watch that footage of rats and buildings falling apart and sleep well knowing that soon we will all be able to enjoy “the best care anywhere”.