Monday Linkorama

Non-political links:

  • Tee-hee. I wish I could send this to some referees.
  • Stuff like this makes me despair of Pakistan.
  • Political Links:

  • This is not how justice is supposed to work.
  • The other MIchael Siegel runs down the biggest lies told by the media about second hand smoke — this from an anti-smoking academic.
  • Should reading your wife’s e-mail be a crime? I can’t agree that it should be, unless you’re actively going through a divorce. Scummy? Sure. Assholeish? No doubt. Jail time? No.
  • And that great man was a Carter appointee.
  • Your Must-Reads of the Day: why wealth inequality is overblown and over-rated. Personally, I’ve never understood the whole wealth envy thing.