Light Blogging

I apologize for the light blogging — all two of you who are reading this. But it’s been crazy time in the Siegel household lately. To wit:

  • Abby the Babby has discovered how to go from happy to screaming in 2.7 seconds.
  • I fell sick this week and spent all of Tuesday asleep.
  • After a month of rain, we’ve gotten two weeks of sun, which meant I had two months of backlogged yardwork to do.
  • I’m trying to get a 70-page paper — the last chapter of my dissertation (my dissertation having been written six years ago) out the door. I submitted this paper in February. The referee didn’t get back to us until after more than two months. I’ve been busy with other things. And since submission, no less than four papers have been published whittling away the relevance of my paper. At this point, I just want to print it out and set fire to the fucking thing. It will then match the flames of my career. Sigh.
  • Anyway, so I’m not exactly in a blogging mood.