Distracted parenting is a problem, obviously. But, despite the horrible tragedies described, it’s not clear how big a problem it is. Mobile devices free parents up to do more things with kids and to supervise them more. I will let on, however, that they can occupy your attention. I was at a park when a kid broke his arm and didn’t notice immediately because of my phone. Don’t know if it would have been different with my kid.
I’m really looking forward to reading Nate Silver’s book.
Statues at the bottom of the sea. Amazing. And heart-breaking, when you think of what they represent.
I think this author has a good point that the Star Wars universe is likely illiterate. However, I think it’s less a conscious “where is modernism driving us” thing than a reflection of Star Wars being built on medieval narratives and cliches.
An interesting take on one of the more panned documentaries of the year. It does seem that people have a problem accepting that being anti-Big Education is not the same as being anti-education. Or even anti-teacher.
This story made my day. This is religion at its finest.
Whatever the political fallout of Benghazi, the story of the attack is an amazing one.
This is NOT the way to fight global warming. And they say all the greed and abuse is on the skeptic side.