A fascinating look at how dollar bills move, courtesy of the Where’s George website. I find it fascinating the Pennsylvania is divided in half.
This is what I mean by Sports Media Twerp. They are never wrong and everybody else is just an idiot.
Really interesting blog on the least visited countries in the world. The writer is trying to visit every country at least once. Wish I had the resources for that.
I wish climate scientists would not overstate their conclusions. It makes it so much easier for people to pretend global warming is a hoax.
John McWhorter has a great article disputing the notion that texting is destroying the English language.
The contention that FDR was anti-semitic does not really surprise me. Years ago I read a book called While Six Million Died that detailed, point by point, how FDR did almost nothing to stop or prevent the Holocaust. It was only when members of his own Administration confronted him over foot-dragging on the issue of saving Romanian Jews that he did anything. He defeated Hitler, of course, which was why he became a hero to my grandparents’ generation. But the idea that he was immune from the anti-semitism that gripped much of the country and the world is absurd.
Fascinating and kind of frightening photo essay of high-density living. Think of all the stories you see in each picture.