Thanks to Twitter siphoning off my political rants, you’re getting more … non-political links:
Cracked debunks the Twitter revolution. I’m forced to mostly agree. Social networking may have played a minor role in the upheavals in the Middle East, at best. But real activism involves risking your life, not turning your Facebook profile green.
I really really like this idea of the Billion Price Index as a complement to traditional inflation metrics.
Do you know … do either of you have any idea of how fucking glad I am I don’t have a big ass commute anymore? I can’t imagine how I did it for so long.
I really hope the anti-homework agenda catches on. What’s being done to kids these days is absurd busy work bullshit.
So do you think studies like this will, in any way, slow down those who want to ban fatty foods?
Political links:
Experts are once again stunned that poverty does not cause crime. They seem to be stunned by this quite a lot.
Want to stimulate the economy? Wonder how America can lead the world in innovation again? Repeal SOX.
Astronomy, Sports, Mathematical Malpractice, Whatever Else Pops Into My Head