Ken Jennings on his defeat at the hands of Watson.
I wish I’d known these things when I was single. It’s amazing how much of our habits, preference and lives are defined by evolution and our animal nature.
With research budgets hurting, UCSF decides to spend $37 million on … bullshit.
Political links:
When your a libertarian, everyone hates you. It’s the price paid for being right all the time.
WTF? Sarah Palin, being one of the few Republicans to outright dismiss the “Obama is a muslim Kenyan” bullshit, has to get back with the crazy by bashing Michele Obama over … breastfeeding. Why? Opining on social issues is something I’m fine with first ladies doing.
The racial smears against black conservatives continue.
To be fair, Mrs. Clinton is not the only one to engage in this sort of rank hypocrisy. Bush did it too with his “free speech zones”.