I meant to comment on the Kennedy Brewer case when I saw it in the NYT as it seemed bizarre. Prosecturs continue to push a case despite exonerating DNA evidence? But then, Balko beat me to it with an even more alarming summary.
It’s scary the lengths that some prosecutors will go to in order to be right.
I could never stand Robert Reich. His smary know-it-all way of uttering complete crap grated on my soul. Ronald Bailey now shows that, when it comes to economics, Reich has always been wrong. Always. Often spectacularly. But he’s revered by the Left.
Incidentally, Reich wasn’t the only idiot telling us we needed to adopt Japan’s MITI model to get our economy working. A huge number of Democrats embraced the idea, including Algore. I never thought I’d say this, but thank goodness for the economic policies of Bush Sr.
Jeff Taylor makes the case against a subprime bailout. There’s never a problem that government can’t step in and make worse. Did we not learn our lesson with S&Ls? Apparently not. Bailing out the borrowers now is only going to mean bailing them out again in the future.
I guess now we can count a mortgage among people’s “rights”.
I like the description of the Bushies as “uber-nannies”. I’ll have to steal that.
Good for the judge. The National Security Letters are abuse waiting to happen. Remember, this administration wants to crack down on perfectly legal internet porn. And what better way to start than to, without court review or public disclosure, get a record of everyone’s internet activity? I have no problem with the government reading the e-mail of terrorists. I have a problem with them going on fishing expeditions.
You know, conservatives used to stand against things like Carnivore. Sigh. Those were the days.
There’s something else disturbing here. This is another instance in which Congress has tried to pass a law forbidding judicial review of said law. This is absolutely unconstitutional. The Constitution authorizes Congress to determine the jurisdiction of the federal courts — but this is clearly to decide whether a case goes into state or federal court. It is not intended to allow Congress to create little sanctuaries within the law in which they can do whatever the hell they want.