How in the blue fuck does this guy stay on the police force? Who’s doing the background checks around here?
Anatomy of a right wing smear job. I’m getting more and more embarrassed by these jokers.
Speaking of embarrassing “conservatives”, watch Colbert demolish Glenn Beck. It’s scary that Colbert’s joke image isn’t as far out there as Beck’s “real” one.
Police are stopping and searching a million people a year. What is this? The Soviet Union?
Rick Perry needs to resign. Executing an innocent man is bad enough. What Perry is doing is criminal.
That Barack Obama. There he goes again, cutting and running in Afghanistan. Oh, wait. No he’s not.
A question. If a business is too big to fail, should the Feds break it up into divisions that aren’t too big to fail? Is the existence of such a business as great a threat to our nation as criminal and foreign armies? Ah, well. Given the Groupthink of the financial industry, there really is no difference in having big business vs. small ones.