More Numbers in the Dark. You know that massive crime wave that’s happening? Um, no. Also that study that says men are happier than women? It might just be a noise spike. Always remember that we get our news from people who flunked math and science.
You know Media Matters? The organization that loves plucking quotes from guys like Bill O’Reilly out of context? They’re part of the Clinton/Soros Empire. Now the article is complicated and, frankly, a bit paranoid. But you know that if similar ties existed between George Bush and, say, the Swift Boat Vets (oh, wait they do!), everyone would go nuts. I’m curious … how many liberals has Media Matters gone after?
Juan Williams has a more coherent defense of O’Reilly. Now look, I’m not fond of Bill O’Reilly. In fact, I don’t like his show at all. But his Sylvia’s comment is being taken completely out of context. It’s fine when The Daily Show does this. That’s a comedy show. But when news organizations do it? Jesus.
When I saw the segment on The Daily Show, I knew the quote was being taken out of context. Why am I smarter than people who analyze the news for a living? How can a dippy blogger be more attentive to this sort of thing than people getting paid for it?
Dick Nixon was an anti-semite. Big surprise. Of course, FDR did little to stop the Holocaust.